
Experienced weed smokers please... question about a drug test?

by  |  earlier

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Okay Ive been taking a break smoking until i find a job (about a month), but a day and a half ago i smoked some resin, about 2 good hits of it, and Im supposed to take the test TOMORROW. In your opinions, am i good? should i stall? if so how long and when do you think ill be cool?




  1. i  think you should stall.

    it'll be a month before youre clean again.

    they sell fake urine though.

  2. you cut dude

  3. well since u only took a small ammout if u drink alot of fluids and alot of exercice u should be ok

  4. its risky.

  5. I found a resolved answer from Yahoo Answers.  I hope this helps answer your quetion!

    Good Luck Kiddo!-D

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