
Experiences with a Ouija Board...

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When I was in high school we used to play with it all the time, but the thing is, we didn't know if it was ever any of us actually moving it, so I never really took it too seriously until my brother and I played it by ourselves in my mom's spooky house. We started asking it questions, and me thinking it was my brother being a jerk and moving it around to try and scare me, I asked it to go into our garage and try and make our dog bark (since animals can sense spirits)...within seconds our dog was going crazy barking, howling and scratching at the door. Both my brother and I jumped up, opened the door and let the dog in. Our dog kept barking at the door for about a minute then just all of a sudden stopped. My brother and I got back on the Ouija and asked if anyone was there, to which it spelled out "Sorry for scarring the dog". That was probably the last time we ever played that thing!





  1. Use of a ouija board opens doors you cannot close.  It is best left alone.  

  2. I've had many experiences.Rather then get into the details here's the gist.We'd get some silly folks and scare the bejeebers out of them.Thanks for asking I love reading the horrifying true stories.Funny funny stuff,hilarious.People believe the craziest things.Ya gotta love it.

  3. I have had some really interesting responses from a Ouija board, including lies and truths. However, in every single case of use, it's gone bad.

    In one case, where we made a spirit board with an empty pizza box, a black magic marker and a borrowed glass ash tray from a neighbor, we ended up burning the box. A char mark remained for two years on the black asphalt where the box burned, before being actually torn up and replaced (the property changed owners). We burned it because there was one of the members of the house who kept hitting the wall with her closed fist. She said she didn't know why. Oddly, when the board was burned, she claimed to hear screaming and didn't hit walls after that.

    In another instance, we had a lovely wooden board fly out from under the pointer-thingy (called a "planchette" for those who want the technical term and think 'pointer-thingy' just doesn't work) and strike one of the people participating in the chest, leaving a nasty bruise.

    Another case involved a group trying to contact a poltergeist, who apparently broke windows when they tried contact. As they used the board, the poltergeist activity became more and more uncontrollable. The focal point of the poltergeist (a girl nick-named "Spork") was the only one in the family not hurt when the spirit became even more violent. She also refused to use the board. Breaking the board in half ended the reign of terror.

    I'm very much AGAINST the Ouija board (if it's not obvious that I despise them by some of my previous posts). It's unwise, and anyone who wants to know why is free to email or IM me through my profile page.

  4. Next time you use a Ouija Board make sure you and other participants are blind folded and have someone else turn the board a few times so you do not know which side is up and which side is down.  

    I think you will find that the Ouija board can not give a legible answer if the particpants cannot see.  This should put to rest the belief in the boards supernatural powers.

    When I was a child every kid in my elementary school owned a ouija board that was before Christianity was taken over by fundamentalist doctrine.  No child to my knowledge was ever harmed or possessed by evil spirits because of playing with this toy.  Let's face it, if a spirit wants to contact you it doesn't need a board made by a toy company to do it!

  5. wow!! my ouija board predicted my dogs death.

  6. dude that's awesome but i still don't believe in ouija boardss

  7. Yes, of course  it is bad and evil because dogs don't usually bark when they want in.

    Burn it ASAP!

  8. I have to agree with Red Heron, stay well clear of them. There are documented cases where foolish people playing around for so called fun ended up with very bad experiences. In my long years on this Earth I have read enough and seen enough to know that you don't foolishly go into something without knowing how to protect yourself. Even with protection the experience can be very frightening. The dangers of the board ( notice how I don't want to type out the name) are very real and I strongly advise everyone to avoid it and to destroy any they may have.

  9. I played the ouija board a number of times and nothing happened.  They work through ideomotor movement.  The people using them make them work.

  10. I really find this hard to believe. I am not degrading you, or questioning you, but it seems like a question a lot of people would have trouble believing. However I have not, and never will play with one of those portals.

  11. This might be one of the most FAQs asked here.  The fact is, you need no special instrument to call on a spirit.  A Ouija Board is just a toy.  No more, no less.  The problem is not with the board.  When you make the decision to try to make contact with someone in spirit form by use of the board or any other device is the problem.

    There is a proper way to open and close that portal.  And saying goodbye is not involved.  It involves things that the average person does not have handy around the house.  To not take the proper measures is to put yourself in harms way.

    I liken the use of a Ouija board to a face to face meeting with someone whom you chat with on line.  Anyone can sit behind a blue screen and tell you anything you want to know.  The whole idea is to make you more comfortable with a face to face meeting.  But did they tell you the truth?  Some do and some don' if you plan on a meeting, the safe thing to do is to meet in a public place.

    All spirits are not going to tell you the truth, they tell you what they want you to know.  Honestly, I have seen more incidences where a family member played around with some sort of divination and as a result, drew nasty negative sources into the home as a result.  In short, I have never seen anything good come from the use of any device (Ouija or otherwise) and I do not recommend their use.  

  12. At my 13th bday party.  There were two high schools in town, I lived in one district, but wanted to go to the high school on the other end of town.  I asked the board what school I would graduate from.  I got a jumble of letters that spelled nothing.  Two years later we moved to another town, I graduated from a school that did not exist at the time I asked the question.

  13. I grew up in a house with a lot of unexplainable activity in it.

    So 3 of my friends came over with a board in tow, we broke it out, tried using it, but nothing happened. It never moved.

    It would be interesting to get a different group of people together;

    One group would be anal with spelling.

    The other group, not able to spell more than their names correctly.

    Ask the boards identical questions, and then write down every letter the planchette points to.

    It would be interesting to compare the responses to see if the grammatically correct took the time spell each response correctly, versus the ones that can't spell worth a hoot.

    For the board to work, it's all about hand and eye coordination.

  14. the spirit said " sorry for scarring the dog". you're lucky this is not a harmful spirit. if he/she is, he/she wouldn't said sorry to you

    never!!!!!!! ask the spirit when using ouija board to move things in your house or neighbors' house. once you said that, you allow him/her to enter our world.

    before you finish using the board, you need to say "good bye". just move the pointer to "good bye" and remember to let the spirit know you appreciate him. like saying thank you


    i haven't never used an ouija board before

    but my father did. he said it's fake. i think it's real, although i never use it. i just can't take this kind of risk.

  15. I havent had any but want to.

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