
Experiencing Lack of Sleep?

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I'm fifteen and I invariably sleep 6 to 6 1/2 hours every night. I've recently read that lack of sleep is 'slow death', but there's nothing I can do about it... I think the question here is pretty much implied...




  1. Have a good look at your life style. Do you watch the TV a lot, spend hours and hours on computer, what is your diet like, do you get enough exercise? At your age you need to sleep a lot more than that. Sleeping is healing and also you grow when you sleep. Forget about sleeping pills, at your age that should not be an option. I think you will find the answer for yourself, just have a good look at what you are doing. At that age my son thought it was "grown up" to stay up late but he soon learned otherwise.

    Good luck with it and I hope you will soon find what works best for you.

  2. well im an insomniac also and don't get tired that much at night although i am able to sleep if i have sleeping pills or a shot of nyquil but im out so im up. anyways, that's what i use there really is no other solution but to knock yourself out and then drink coffee in the morning. oh and by the way if you decide on the nyquil you only need half a shot to get to sleep and then its also not to hard to wake up in the morning either. if you choose a sleeping pill the best ones are prescribed by a doctor. tylonal pm totally sucks.

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