
Experiment to create a miniature Big Bang : Armageddon?

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... September 10th, 2008, a series of tests will begin in the largest particle accelerator ever (Large Hadron Collider).

One of these experiment will be to re-create the quantum conditions of the Big Bang by sending two streams of particles to collide against one another, in hopes of finding the Last Elementary Particle to complete the Standard Model (the Higgs Boson particle)... thus proving that everything we "know" about physics is right... also proving once and for all that the Earth wasn't created in 6 days (He rested on Sunday, remember?)

Now, the 2 beams colliding against one another might, accidentally, create a new Big Band... or a miniature Black Hole. (But they say there's just one itsy-bitsy tiny chance that will happen)


Will September 10 be the End of the World? What do you think?




  1. I like the idea of creating a new Big Band, I'm partial to a bit of Glenn Miller.

    To be honest, if the world ends on September 10, it does get me out of a lot of work in the garden, and it means I won't have to see the dentist, so I think you can see I'm starting to struggle with why it would be such a bad thing.

    If there's not so much a bang but a whimper, then the pruning will have to be done and I'll have to endure the lecture about not flossing enough.

    Personally, I think people are making a huge fuss over nothing.

    If I die, I die. If I don't, I don't.

    I survived yesterday unscathed, that leaves me as the happy man I am today.

    When tomorrow comes, and I've racked up another day, I'll be equally happy.

    Until such time as someone comes up with a way of stopping death, I don't see why people expend so much energy fretting about something over which they have no control.

  2. No, cosmic particles with more energy than that hit the Earth all the time, and they have never caused any problems.


  3. Well, every scientists says it won't do that, and you're listening to a bunch of doomsday predictions that, as far as the history of the earth goes, has always been wrong.

    Besides, other places also say that IF a mini black hole were created, it would decay instantly

  4. Rested on Sunday? You must mean Saturday. That is the seventh-day of the week.

    About the rest, I don't have a clue.

    GOD bless

  5. They've actually been colliding particles in similar labs for a couple of decades.  CERN and the LHC are just the biggest, giving more space to observe the reactions.

    You're in much, much more danger from the UV rays of the sun than you are from any colliding particles in Switzerland.

    Personally, I am confident that the Higgs boson will be found and I'm very excited that this discovery will probably take place during my lifetime.  It's awesome!  Science is the bomb.

  6. No, it will not be the end of the world.  The miniature black holes will last for less than 1/10 of a second.  None of them will get big enough to do any damage at all.

  7. If it does create a black hole it will be too small to see with any equipment and will only exist for a incredibly small fraction of a second.

  8. Not to bust your enthusiasm for mass destruction, but before the very 1st atom bomb, there were some doomsday scientists who believed that the atmosphere would catch fire if they exploded such a device...there are always fringe scientists, often trying to draw attention to themselves with the hopes of "grant money" by establishing name-recognition...if you read Newsweek or Time much, you begin to recognize the MO of those in the science community who try to get around peer-reviewed opinions...  

  9. every respected physicist knows the hysterical claims are completely unfounded

  10. No, the black holes that are created through the collision are incredibly small, and will collapse in on themselves within a tiny fraction of a second.

  11. hey sister one thing  a certain law in physics says that nothing can be created nor destroyed so were then did the particles for the first big bang come from

    oh and read the bible Gods day isnt the same as our day  just like venus has longer days than us

  12. Who knows?  This might give you a laugh though:  Someone joked that supernovae are actually industrial accidents...

  13. Everything will be fine.

    That's all everyone wants to hear.

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