
Experiment to demonstrate hydrotropism?it should contain aim,materials required,procedure and observations.?

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Experiment to demonstrate hydrotropism?it should contain aim,materials required,procedure and observations.?




  1. aim: to demonstrate hydrotropism

    material reqd.: box, water, wire mesh, wet straw, seeds/seedlings

    procedure: fill the box partially with water. Arrange the wet straw in the wire mesh. stand the wire mesh vertically in the box. Plant the seeds in the wet straw and water regularly for 1-2 weeks.

    observation: the rootlets will grow towards water and the shootlets away from it

    conclusion: roots show positive hydrotropism while shoots show negaive hydrotropism.

    (this method does not officially prove hydrotropism as the water would always be in the directionof gravity and the roots will show positive geotropism at any rate. But, it is good enough for a school assignment.)

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