
Experiments I can Do?

by Guest60789  |  earlier

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Does anyone know any cool experiments I can Do. All I can Find on the internet is the usual...put mentos in coke, Make a volcano. So can someone please give me something cool to do? I am 13...we like Cool things like Burning stuff, blowing up stuff, an air cannons/mortars.




  1. 1. If you know someone who has old birth control pills, try crushing them and adding them to fertilizer of plants.  An effect on the plants would suggest that their are steroid hormones that effect plants.

    2.  Try crushing baby aspirin or the aspirin used by people to avoid heart attacks, to the water or fertilizer of plants to see what happens.  Plants may regularly use salicylic acid as a hormone and acetylsalicylic acid is aspirin.

  2. burning stuff, eh? try testing various clothing materials to see how quickly, hot, easily, etc. they burn.
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