
[Experts Only] What kind of tortoise is this ?

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Here are two photos one from the top and another from the bottom view.






  1. He might be a sand turtle.

    Maybe romanian.

    Probably a vegitarian.

  2. greek land tortouse

  3. i think it is a russian.

  4. a greek land tortoise

  5. this is a tortoise that is officially called a ''Greek Toroise'' thoug it didn't originate in Greece. It likes warm weather and is particularly habited in areas of southern America, such as florida.

    It is a land tortoise, though It can swim just like any other tortoise.

  6. Well, I am not an "expert", but I had to answer because to me it looks like a Russian!!

    They are the most common sold around here, so if you bought it from a pet store that would make even more sense.

    Good luck, I hope you find  out for sure!

  7. It is NOT a Greek tortoise or a Russian tortoise. Not even close. Apparently the previous answerers didn't see that you said "experts only" since they're obviously guessing. It is a desert tortoise, which are federally protected and illegal to possess without a special permit.

  8.   It is a tortise

  9. That would be a Russian. Greeks torts are more ovular in shape, with taller shells. It looks like it had some shell issue that were sanded down, which is not good. It can make soft spots. I would make sure that you have a really good UV light and provide all the necessary vitamins and food it needs. They are not dessert torts so some mulch would make a better substrate. Also make sure you are soaking him once a day to every other day.

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