
Experts!!... on jealous, obsessive boyfriends!! ;/?

by Guest59667  |  earlier

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i really love my boyfriend, but he 's obsessive and kinda of crazy. were talking about getting married... but i just want to know is there a way to teach him on how to chill out and give me some space; also learn to relax when another guy is around! (( i mean im never going to cheat on him, and he had issues of that))))




  1. He is who he is and you cannot change him. That is it ...pretty simple.

  2. step back and really consider the situation!!  Is the jealousy only when it comes to other men or does it involve anything that takes your attention away from him (family, friends, hobbies ect)  If it is only other men, have a talk with him regarding the reasons that you love him and choose him over all other men.  That is what I did with my husband.  It made him realize that he was the one I wanted and no one else.  It took awhile but it has gotten a lot better.  Now, my ex - he had a problem with everything I did unless it was his idea because he thought he owned me.  If that is the case with you, run!!  And don't look back.  Because it will only get worse if you get married.  And a h**l of a lot more expensive to leave!!

  3. he might have low self esteem, and is constantly feeling like he is less of a man than all the other men you are around, so he feels the need to freak out to make himself feel better.

    You need to sit down with him and have a serious chat about his controlling tendencies before you talk about getting married.

    Once you get married, if you don't straighten this out his behavior will only get worse, since you, in his eyes, now belong to him.

  4. You don’t want to marry a man like that.  Generally speaking, it just gets worse and leads to ultra-controlling behavior.  And sadly, it then sometimes (all too often) leads to abuse.  My advice--find another guy to fall in love with--one who trust you.

  5. You can't change a man honey, my husband is like that and he stresses me out all the time. Recently, he said he'll tone it down because I was ready to go.

  6. It`s not easy having a very hot girlfriend, he feels that someone else will come and steal you away, and he feels that you are a great catch. These feelings are causing him to feel insecure. When  you`re out with him, hold his hand, hook your arm under his, show the world that you are with him, and he will begin to relax. My wifey did exactly that, and it worked.

    As long as he is not controlling to the point of telling you what you can and can`t do, all should be well. Boost his ego a little, and remind him that you chose him, and not those other men.He`ll come around... good luck with that!

  7. RUN!

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