
Experts term League, Union to still not be on Same Page -NHL Update

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Experts term League, Union to still not be on Same Page -NHL Update
Ever since the negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement kicked off earlier this year in June, many experts were hoping that they would have reached many milestones by the time the 2012-2013 National Hockey League (NHL) regular season as scheduled
to start.
Unfortunately for fans, players and team owners, there has not been any significant progress up until now and until and unless the league and Players’ Association are able to get a new deal by Thursday of this week, fans will definitely not be seeing a full,
82-game hockey season, that is for sure.
NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly has regarded the difference as being somewhere around $600 million, give or take, which is holding back from both stakeholders to sign a new labour deal and looking at that figure, there is no telling how long it could take
to solve the matter. Players are looking for what they term to be a “fair share”, but team owners and NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman supposedly want to take back what is theirs.
The biggest problem the players union is facing at the moment is the lack of consideration for their side by the league and team owners. An example of this was seen in their most recent meeting last week in which the Players’ Association made three alternative
offers to the league and had them rejected within minutes, without probable cause of course.
With no future negotiations scheduled and Thursday being set as the day to have a full season or not, things are getting tense between fans and players who are not just on the verge of calling it a day and moving on to play in the foreign leagues around
the world. The league is looking to decrease the players share in revenue despite being at its peak in terms of revenue generation in recent years, while players may not want more, but what they believe to have deserved over this time period.
Updates should be expected in the upcoming days as fans eagerly await something significant from both sides and hope to finally get back to watching some hockey action.



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