
Expiration of Brazilian tourist visa for US citizen?

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Last year, I received a tourist visa for Brazil. On the stamp it says it's valid for travel up to 5 years. I went last year. Does this mean I have to get a new stamp or can I go again (for 90 days) any time in the next 5 (4 now) years??





  1. Bago's on the right track.  A visa is a document that allows you to *apply* for entry to a country.

    Another source of good info is the airlines you plan to use. If you arrive in a country without a valid visa, the airline is on the hook to get you back. So they know a lot about passport validity and visas.  Check with them when you book. Sure, you can do your homework before you buy your tickets, but the airline is also a good source of info.

    Have a great trip!

  2. A 5 year Brazilian Tourist visa is good for any number of entries for the 5 years following first entry as long as you stay 90 days or less each time and less than 180 days per calendar year.

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