
Expired G-1 Visa...No longer employed with organization.?

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My brother-in-law's girlfriend was admitted into the U.S. on a G-1 Visa, she was brought in by an agency and placed with a family for the sole purpose of taking care of their children. Her Visa is expiring on Wednesday and this family told her that it would be exteneded and she could stay another year, well this weekend they changed their minds, she was told that the Visa will expire and she is expected to leave the country by Friday! Can anyone give any advice on her chances of staying here LEGALLY without leaving the country??? Thanks in advance for any advice given!




  1. There is no way she can stay or change her status.  She knew when she took the job that it was temporary, and that she would have to return home.  She must leave immediately.  

    If she overstays an expired visa, she cannot get another and she will be barrred from re-entry, and most other countries will not give her a visa in the future either.

  2. Doesn't sound like a G-1 to me. that's for people who work for  the UN or other international organizations. Your girlfriend sounds more like a J-1 au pair. She wouldn't have to leave the country on Friday, but she will need to leave soon. It's a bit late for her to change to some other legal status. First of all, to do that, she'd need to qualify for something. What would that be in the next 5 days? So, for now, she needs to prepare to leave, because once she falls out of status, she'll have a very hard time staying here legally. Now, if your brother in law wants to marry his girlfriend, ask another question on how to do that.

  3. She has to leave that can't be changed

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