
Expired epicac?

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can I use epicac syrup that expired 3 or 4 years ago




  1. BS! If you "need" to throw up go to the ER otherwise it is bulimia.

  2. well dont drink that, if you got poisioned get some that isnt expired.  umm... i'm not sure on how to ive always seen people stick the bottom half of their toothbrush down their throat.

  3. eat grass thats what dogs do =]

  4. Maybe you should talk to someone about bulimia instead?  I've known some bulimic girls and it does very very bad things to your body and some of the effects can be permanent.  It's not a good way to lose weight, your teeth will rot from the vomit, your skin will look like h**l, and if you do it enough you will even grow fur on your arms.  You will be at risk for having osteoporosis before thirty.

    There are thousands of ex-ballerinas who now need wheelchairs or crutches to get around because they did bulimia to keep their weight down, and now their bones are rotting.  It's not cool, and it can be very hard to stop.  I know two girls who had to go to the hospital for it.  

    So toss the ipecac and see a doctor.

  5. um, dont throw up its not good for you. and no, you cant drink that if its that old
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