
Explain: ''Human are primates''?

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  1. We are members of that order of animals because we share more common ancestors with other primates (such as apes) than we share with animals outside that order (such as cats). Homo sapiens have been a distinct species for about 250,000 years but our ancestor Australopithecus broke off from the apes about 3 million years ago.

  2. Humans share more of their genetic material with primates than other species.  This is manifested in the many traits we share with other primates: opposable thumbs, the overal configuration of the bones and internal organs, high intelligence.

  3. We actually share very little in common with primates outside of the exterior physical structure of our body (and even that isn't very similar).

    Humans have a wide variety of components and each one closely resembles something found in other animals... even on the molecular level.

    The classification of humans as primates was a premature decision on the part of the quasi-scientists who are attempting to prove the theory of evolution (everyone who knows anything about science knows that the goal is not to prove a theory, but to show that it cannot be unproven...something at which the evolutionists have failed miserably).

  4. To Unicool:

    You quotte a book written by, guess who, man!  It proves nothing.

  5. Primate is any animal falling within that order. Animals are grouped based on similarities and suspected evolutionary ties. Primates include lemurs, monkeys, apes and humans. Attributes that make animals within the order of primates similar include retention of the clavicle, complex shoulder joints, five digits and opposable thumbs and big toes, large cerebrem, two mammary glands, etc.....

  6. untrue, Man is made in God's image

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