
Explain Britian's addiction to cynicism?

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What is it about cynicism that saturates most British people?

A miserable trait, yet it seems to be one of the key components of British psyche.

I suspect it has to do with a class-system induced inferiority complex. You either have the toffs who live in la-la land or you have the working class / middle class, who weild cynicism as a way of coping with the imposition of class-importance.

What do you think?




  1. I think it could be to do with the weather.  I know I always feel happier when its sunny!  Constant rain and that make us a nation of downers

  2. how cynical of you.

  3. Oh come on.  Are you really trying to suggest the British are cynical?  Class system causing an inferiority complex .... rubbish.  Imposition of class importance - cobblers.  I don't believe it and there is nothing you can do to change my mind.  Nothing.

  4. i wonder if the collapse of the british empire has made us all bitter and twisted - i mean, look at post-soviet russia.  the northern european weather doesnt help either

  5. I think it's down to the lack of faith in politicians. Over the past couple of centuries the political classes have demonstrated they are completely inept at running a country that should be the best on the planet. We have a great climate, good natural resources, a natural barrier to invasion by enemies or disease, a hard working population who are, in the main, very tolerant of others who are not indigenous, yet we are told we are billions of pounds in debt. The comedians saw this ineptitude at making a success of what was already a success and took the mickey out of politicians as they squandered the wealth and well being of this country. Look at Norway, they established a fund for their North Sea oil profits and it is massive. What did our politicians do? Spend on wars that no one wants, a failed health service that is bloated with bureaucrats, a civil service that outnumbers the manufacturing base of the country and local government that employs 'diversity officers' and other lunatic posts at thousands of pounds each a year. We have every right not to trust the political classes who vote themselves vast salaries and expenses yet want to cap the wages of those who produce the wealth they squander. We have every right to be cynical about their plans and intentions because history demonstrates it is us that will have to fix the mess they make. They, like the majority of the aristocracy, see us oiks as cannon fodder and something to be scraped off their fancy shoes. They treat us with utter contempt. During the IRA bombing campaign on the mainland every comedian took the rise out of the Irish, it was our way of coping with the bloody slaughter. look at the literature published in the trenches in the First World War, it really has a go at the London politicians who started the war. The Second World War had its fair share of mickey taking publications where the 'Brass' and the politicians were the target. Can you imagine what would happen to flight Sergeant Ordinary Bloke if he landed his Chinook in his Mum's field or took his brother to a 'jolly' on the Isle of Wight in one? He'd be court marshalled, put in Military Detention at Colchester and frog marched round the parade ground until his eyes bled. Hope that answers your question.

  6. I always wondered why their major publications were so much like our american style gossip rags.

    That whole yellow journalism thing probably perpetuates the jaded mind state.

    Not that we americans are any less salacious, but the way some of the articles go straight to the s*x without considering other motivations is a bit off-putting, and for me, juvenile and kinda boring.

  7. I don't believe it !

  8. English have always loved Witty hummer. They have also always given criticism. Now a lot of people are getting lazy not just psychically. So they sit around because there is little else to do and criticise, cynicism is the last refuge of the dammed. they feel they have nothing else so they try to apply what little energy they have left to try to make it look as if they have tried to show some wit. and some form of intelligence left.

  9. Erm, I think that's a bit of a generalisation. Certainly, there are some very cynical people about, but I for one am an optimist. I think people generally have a pessimistic or optimistic temperament, and the more cynical among us tend to be more vocal. Incidently, the class system has been obsolete for a very long time. I certainly don't have an inferiority complex to the Royals and their minions.

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