
Explain: Evil presented as good is the greater evil than evil by itself.

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  1. great post! I think the proverbial wolf in sheeps clothing is a good example. A person that can seem quiet and sweet can indeed be much more dangerous than a loudmouth

  2. let's replace "evil" with 'lies" and "good" with "truth"

    when someone lies and you know they're lying from the start, it a lie

    but a big lie is when someone is lying, but it sounds true

    and they make you believe its true

    now re-replace the words

    hidden evil is worse then public evil that doesn't hide itself

  3. You. You're a little boy who is presented as good because he's quiet and looks very decent. But, since you're disguised, you do more harm than you would if people knew you were really evil...

  4. In terms of quantity, the number of people being deceived by evil presented as good will be greater than the number of people being deceived by undisguised evil.

    In terms of quality, the fact that evil is disguised as good makes it more evil because it is employing deception which is lying.  Lying is an evil act.  Therefore, when you add lying to a thing which is already evil, it becomes more evil.

  5. So true!  This is how I feel about the term and actions involved in playing "friends with benefits" - - it is so contrary to everything being a friend is, and cannot possibly benefit your soul!  It is pure selfishness disguised as being something wonderful!  

  6. when a person is doing something and yet convinces himself that what he is doing is right, is worse than a person who knows what he is doing is wrong. because i when he knows that what he is doing is wrong he can work on himself to stop doing wrong!  

  7. Well obviously if people perceive the evil to be good then they are more likely to follow it and succumb to its ways. It is a way to twist the mind and ignore the conscience in which the individual believes that his wrong doing is indeed fact right. There will be more followers of this disguised evil because it does not appear out-right wrong. Also, to people you can see through the mask and can understand that this thing is truly evil, they might come to think that all good is truly evil is disguise and that they have merely fallen for a scam all along.

    Lets recap. Evil presented as good is greater than evil by itself because:

    It twists the mind of the follower. If evil was presented in its full light, then one could clearly choose for them self whether they want to succumb to the evil or move onto the road of goodness. But if evil is disguised, the evil will not only pick up followers who choose evil, but also followers who choose goodness but are able to be fooled by a scam.

    Also, people with deeper thoughts may see this evil disguised as good and give up hope in goodness, for it thinks that all goodness is evil in disguise. The evil has not gained a follower here but it has caused one person to cease following goodness.

    The devil's greatest trick is to make you think that he does not exist

    But would it not be even a greater trick to make you think that Jesus didn't exist?

  8. Its saying that the deception of an evil thing's facade only adds to that things evilness.  

  9. Evil is illusion under any cover.

  10. Drugs are presented as "good" as in they make you feel good and are not that bad, which makes them a worse evil because of the temptation, you are more likely to do an evil act that makes you feel good. Those are a couple of guesses, but hey I'm just winging it.

  11. Evil presented as good may deceive, thus making it more dangerous to those wishing to avoid it.  Thus, it is more evil.

  12. Good question. Evil presented as good would be deceiving to the naked eye, and therefore sinning twice, but evil presented as evil itself would be more ethical (even though evil is evil.) And so evil that doesn't hide would be more honourable, than evil in disguise. (but dont take my word for it, i'm just guessing =D)

  13. Yeah, its like the catholic church. They say its good, but really its tricking guillible children into a lifetime of servitude to a non existant god.

  14. Evil presented by good is by all means the greater evil than evil by its self as it's easier to get drawn in to as you think your doing the right thing. For example, this idea of growing GM seeds in countries in Africa. They're are portrayed as being a good, better option as they can withstand high temperatures and are cheaper, but they fail to mention the problems with it. The facts are, agency scientists have revealed that GM food may create toxins, allergies, nutritional problems and new diseases that may be hard to identify. This is a key example, as if people fully knew the dangers of GM rather than all the so called good, I don't think people would be so open to the idea of growing it to supply a whole country.

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