
Explain Gandhi quote "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."?

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Explain Gandhi quote "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."?




  1. its is hard to truely forgive therefore it takes a strong (mentally and emotionally speaking - not physically) person to relinguish all hard feelings

  2. it's hard to forgive someone that has make us angry..

    that's why only the one who can forgiving is the one who is strong..

    then the one who are can't forgiving is the one who is weak..

    the strong here is means strong soul, heart, mentals, and spirits..

  3. Okay. Imagine a scene, where someone has done a lot of harm to you...what do you do? The main feeling that comes to you is that 'one day I'm going to get him'. You want revenge, because you were weak, you could not stand his atrocities, you could not stand the pain he caused you.

    Revenge, anger comes from weakness. If you were a strong person, people can do no harm, because you do not let yourself get harmed(another Gandhi quote: Nobody can make you unhappy or weak WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT). The things they did made no difference to you, and even if they did, you have the 'strength' to stand up and keep walking again (if you were a billionaire, would you mind if somebody takes a dollar from your account?).

    Only the strongest of people can realize the importance of forgiveness. Not wanting to harm the person who harmed you releases your soul from a cage, a cage on whose bars are written "I got to have revenge". It's never easy.

    Revenge destroys both, the person who harmed, and the person who had revenge. Forgiveness blesses both: the person who harmed is free, and the person who suffered ultimately has happiness.

    We are living in testing times: Everyone wants to have revenge...the terrorists want revenge, the people of different religions want revenge for the killings of their people at the hands of others, and all that. If we take Gandhi's quote to heart, our world will be a much better place.

  4. Gandhi is basically saying that forgiveness is an attribute of the strong. that weak people have low self-esteem, are negative and need all the negative fuel to their fire and that induces them to not forgive but a strong person has a positive life, is proactive, assertive and nice which tends to make them more inclined to forgiving people. so hes just trying to say that strong people forgive while weak people whine and cant forgive b/c they need that vengeance to fuel their fire

  5. I believe he meant that the weak of mind/spirit/courage are not capable of forgiveness, it takes a strong person to forgive someone or something and get past the hurt.  The weak tend to hang on to the hurt feelings and continue to place blame elsewhere long after it has stopped being reasonable to do so.

  6. What this means, is that people that are too stuck up to give in first when in an argument and admit defeat, aren't strong. People who forgive, are able to put their differences aside and forgive others, even if they didn't cause the problem. It is sort of in an emotional and characteristical sense, not a physical sense.

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