
Explain Global Warming?

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how does it effect us?

what can we do about them?




  1. For beginners:

    For more details:

  2. Global warming is caused when CO2, usually made by burning fossil fuels, though some natural causes are at work, rises into the atmosphere and traps heat like a greenhouse.  Fossil fuels are just stored carbon--when the plants in prehistoric times died, some of them were turned into fossil fuels and buried.  If we re-release that carbon, won't the climate be like the prehistoric climate?  probably.  Except there aren't all the trees to be constantly trapping billions of tons of it anymore.  It will affect us by melting ice caps and flooding shorelines, along with causing weather changes leading to both droughts and floods.  The only possitive thing is that, since it heats the poles more than the equatorial regions, we will get more living and farming space.  To stop global warming, everyone has to work together to use less fossil fuels.  Examples:  Drive less; drive a smaller, more efficient car; use less electricity; don't let the heat out of the house; lay off on the AC.

  3. "Global warming" is the natural outcome when politicians emit excessive CO2 resulting in the immediate concentration of research grants for the purpose of confirming anthropogenic CO2 as the source of recent global warming and the longer term success of grantees confirming such relationship.

    It affects us by redirecting tax dollars away from more appropriate uses.

    To solve the problem, simply terminate ALL government funding for global warming research.  After all, "the science is settled."  How can anyone suggest that tax dollars should be wasted rehashing the subject?  When there is no money to be made by alarming the public, there is no longer a need to alarm them.  (and the researchers can go and find real jobs)

  4. Global warming is a joke. If you beleave in it you are as diluted as Al Gore


  6. The sun heats up we get warm , the sun cools down we get cold ?

  7. Global Warming is basically the Earth is heating up due to the greenhouse effect. Theres a lot to do about it but it will NOT really help much. Scientists already claim that to this day, there is nothing we can do to stop Global Warming, but it can be slow down. The usual answers you heard, carpool, walk, bike, recycle, use fan instead of A/C, etc. Go back to your first question, I've watched this video that about melting ice in South and North Pole. If it continue to melt, in 2050, the earth will completely FLOOD with water. Which that can refer as the end of the world.

  8. The Earth might be warming slightly, so the environment will be ruined and it's all our fault.

    At least that seems to be the way it is reported.

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