
Explain How relevant laws support ways to keep the environment of settings healthy,safe end secure In a creche

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Explain How relevant laws support ways to keep the environment of settings healthy,safe end secure in early years setting?




  1. Every Child Matters Framework-it is a legal document meant to unit education, health and social careso that we are all working together, sharing information, skills etc to ensure children are safe and secure!

    Health and Safety acts: governs things like size of room, fire exits, fire extinguishers, electronics, COSHH lists etc

    National Standards: creches that are registered with OFSTED MUST comply with this to pass the inspections-says about ratios, food and drink prep, security of children.

    UN convention on childs right: not so much of a law but is singed by the UK to outline rights of child-they have right to fresh water, kept warm, safe and secure etc.

    Children's Act: Child's safety and well-being is paramount.

    Theres quite a few I could go on and on about :)

    The relevant laws support setting as it is a MUST that they comply and so it gives them 'best practice' to live up to and follow!

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