
Explain Mcdonaldization in detail? What consequences does it have for American?

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Explain Mcdonaldization in detail? What consequences does it have for American?




  1. Bringing delicious food available throughout the world.  It make Americans proud to know that people enjoy American food everywhere they go.  It also has the same high quality and cleanliness wherever it is served.

    McDonald's has proven to be so successful that it has spawned many imitators.

  2. McDonaldism= capitalism in all its glory.

    Consequences= obesity, increased heart disease, colon cancer and more.

    On a positive note...provides a job for young people to learn how to serve others while being paid.

  3. McDonaldization

    Globalization: The mass spread of a singular way of doing things, a mass production way.  Quality is sacrificed for quantity.  This has been related to healthcare in particular as of late.  It is a kind of one standard for every situation.  A bandaid on a bullet wound.

    America has spread their influence into other countries, but more to the point, American companies have spread their mass market ideology into other countries.  Often times this means that the smaller businesses in other countries suffer under the weight of the pressure from big businesses like Target, Walmart, McDonalds.  The workers from that country need jobs now that the big corporations have eliminated the those workers come to the big corporations, and the big corps pay them at a minimum.

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