
Explain about global warming and green house effect?

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Explain about global warming and green house effect?




  1. Increase in the content of carbon-dioxide leads to increase in the temperature of earth. As the temperature increases it leads to raise in water level of seas & oceans called GLOBAL WARMING.The affect caused is callrd GREEN HOUSE EFFECT.


    Global warming is the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans in recent decades and its projected continuation.

    Global average air temperature near Earth's surface rose 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.3 ± 0.32 °F) during the last century. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes, "most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations,"[1] which leads to warming of the surface and lower atmosphere by increasing the greenhouse effect. Other phenomena such as solar variation and volcanoes have probably had a warming effect from pre-industrial times to 1950, but a cooling effect since 1950.[1] These conclusions have been endorsed by at least 20 scientific societies and academies of science, including all of the national academies of science of the G8 states. Some scientists disagree with parts of this conclusion as does the American Association of Petroleum Geologists,[2] but no other scientific societies disagree.


    The greenhouse effect, discovered by Joseph Fourier in 1824 and first investigated quantitatively by Svante Arrhenius in 1896, is the process in which the emission of infrared radiation by an atmosphere warms a planet's surface. The name comes from an incorrect analogy with the warming of air inside a greenhouse compared to the air outside the greenhouse. The Earth's average surface temperature is about 25°C warmer than it would be without the greenhouse effect [1]. In addition to the Earth, Mars and especially Venus have greenhouse effects.

    In common usage, "greenhouse effect" may refer either to the natural greenhouse effect due to naturally occurring greenhouse gases, or to the enhanced (anthropogenic) greenhouse effect which results from gases emitted as a result of human activities (see also global warming, scientific opinion on climate change and attribution of recent climate change).

  3. Some gases ("greenhouse gases") let sunlight in, which warms the Earth, and then block that heat from leaving. That's the "greenhouse effect", and it's a natural thing, mostly caused by water vapor.

    Man is making excessive amounts of greenhouse gases, mostly by burning fossil fuels. That causes the delicate natural balance to go out of whack and the Earth warms. That's global warming.

    It won't be a Hollywood style disaster. Gradually coastal areas will flood and agriculture will be damaged. But it will be very bad. Rich countries will cope, but it will take huge amounts of money. In poor countries many people will die of starvation, but not all of them.

    Most scientists say, in 20-50 years. But we need to start right now to fix it, fixing it will take even longer than that.

    More information here:

    Lots of numerical scientific data proving it real here:

  4. Greenhouse gases are components of the atmosphere that contribute to the Greenhouse effect. Some greenhouse gases occur naturally in the atmosphere, while others result from human activities. Naturally occurring greenhouse gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. Certain human activities add to the levels of most of these naturally occurring gases.

    Greenhouse effect was discovered in 1824 by Joseph Fourier and first quantitatively investigated in 1896 by Svante Arrhenius. When sunlight reaches the surface of the Earth, some of it is absorbed and warms the Earth. Because the Earth's surface is much cooler than the sun, it radiates energy at much longer wavelengths than does the sun. The atmosphere absorbs these longer wavelengths more effectively than it does the shorter wavelengths from the sun. The absorption of this long wave radiant energy warms the atmosphere; the atmosphere also is warmed by transfer of sensible and latent heat from the surface. Greenhouse gases also emit long wave radiation both upward to space and downward to the surface. The downward part of this long wave radiation emitted by the atmosphere is the "greenhouse effect." The term is a misnomer, as this process is not the mechanism that warms greenhouses.

    The Earth's climate is vastly different now from what it was 100 million years ago when dinosaurs roamed the planet and tropical plants thrived closer to the poles. It is different from what it was 20,000 years ago when ice sheets covered much of the Northern Hemisphere. Although the Earth's climate will surely continue to change, climatic changes in the distant past were driven by natural causes, such as variations in the Earth's orbit or the carbon dioxide (CO2) content of the atmosphere. Future climatic changes, however, will probably have another source as well--human activities. Humans cannot directly rival the power of natural forces driving the climate--for example, the immense energy input to the Earth from the sun that powers the climate. We can, however, indirectly alter the natural flows of energy enough to create significant climatic changes. The best-known way people could inadvertently modify climate is by enhancing the natural capacity of the atmosphere to trap radiant heat near the Earth's surface--the so-called greenhouse effect. This natural phenomenon allows solar energy to reach the Earth's surface and warm the climate. Gases such as water vapor and CO2, however, trap a much larger fraction of long wavelength radiant energy called terrestrial infrared radiation near the Earth's surface. This causes the natural greenhouse effect to be responsible for some 33°C (60°F) of surface warming. Thus, seemingly small human-induced changes to the natural greenhouse effect are typically projected to result in a global warming of 1°C to 5°C in the next century (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 1990, 1996a). This could result in an ecologically significant change, which is why climatic considerations are fundamental in the discussion of the status and trends of ecological conditions. this trend is known as the global warming.

  5. The greenhouse effect, discovered by Joseph Fourier in 1824 and first investigated quantitatively by Svante Arrhenius in 1896, is the process in which the emission of infrared radiation by an atmosphere warms a planet's surface. The name comes from an incorrect analogy with the warming of air inside a greenhouse compared to the air outside the greenhouse. The Earth's average surface temperature is about 25°C warmer than it would be without the greenhouse effect [1]. In addition to the Earth, Mars and especially Venus have greenhouse effects.

    In common usage, "greenhouse effect" may refer either to the natural greenhouse effect due to naturally occurring greenhouse gases, or to the enhanced (anthropogenic) greenhouse effect which results from gases emitted as a result of human activities (see also global warming, scientific opinion on climate change and attribution of recent climate change).

    [edit] The basic mechanism

    The Earth receives energy from the Sun in the form of radiation. The Earth reflects about 30% of the incident solar flux; the remaining 70% is absorbed, warming the land, atmosphere and oceans.

    To the extent that the Earth is in a steady state, the energy stored in the atmosphere and ocean does not change in time, so energy equal to the absorbed solar radiation must be radiated back to space. Earth radiates energy into space as black-body radiation, which maintains a thermal equilibrium. This thermal, infrared radiation increases with increasing temperature. One can think of the Earth's temperature as being determined by the infrared flux needed to balance the absorbed solar flux.

    Solar radiation at top of atmosphere and at Earth's surface.The visible solar radiation heats the surface, not the atmosphere, whereas most of the infrared radiation escaping to space is emitted from the upper atmosphere, not the surface. The infrared photons emitted by the surface are mostly absorbed by the atmosphere and do not escape directly to space.

  6. global warming is caused due to heat of the house effect traps the carbon dioxide to not to enter the atmosphere.

  7. In a nut shell global warming means that the planet is getting warmer due to pollution. The warmer climate is effecting animal habitats thus creating problems for living creatures.

  8. since humans produce that much heat, by burning near endless amount of energy, our atmosphere get warmer, since there heat can not be destroyed, and heat-exchange with the universe is not possible because for that is air and humidity necessary. (we do not exchange heat with the sun, that's only radiation!)

  9. GREEN HOUSE EFFECT is the phenomenon, in which the sun's rays are absorbed by the green house gases.

    It is the green house effect which regulates the temperature of the earth and maskes it favourable for humans to live.

    Green house gases consist of methane, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and oxides on sulphur. These gases contribute to the green house effect, by absorbing the sun's rays.

    GLOBAL WARMING is nothing but excess of green house effect. Green house effect does what? It heats up. So what will the excess of green house effect do? It will lead to global warming.

    Ofcourse, global warming is a serious phenomenon. It will result and has to a some extend has resulted into melting of ice caps, which will occupy the coastlines of all areas in world. Then of course, there is an increase in the average temperature of the earth.

    So it will be better for us, if we reduce the pollution sooner. Its definitely a serious problem and needs attention.

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