
Explain across the Board horse racing betting?

by Guest32127  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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Across the Board is one of the types of horse racing betting. I would like to know, how one can place across the Board horse racing betting? Please specify the ways to place across the Board horse racing betting.




  1. Across The Board is one of the most popular betting types. It’s not much different than a Show bet, in the sense that you’re betting on a horse to finish either first, second or third. The difference is this: If your horse finishes 3rd, you collect only on the show bet. If your horse finishes 2nd, you collect on two bets; place and show. If your horse finishes 1st, you collect on all three. The difference between this and a "Show" bet is that when you bet a horse to show it is only one bet on either of the 3 places.

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