
Explain advertisment ...?

by  |  earlier

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Could someone please explain to me the rationale behind this Ad?

I know the message should be something along the lines of Keep Walking but I can't see how the print reflects the message. Could someone please try and enlighten me?

Thank you.




  1. It looks like a tornado???

  2. Wild and wooly.  I note on left, down near the bottom, a figure which looks like 'Johnny Walker'...who once (I believe) or maybe still, is connected to Johnny Walker Scotch.

  3. ...the pencil has 'markers' on it, as it is used and wears down, you pass 'no', 'OK', 'good'...until you get to 'great' =)

    so the theme is that you're first idea might be okay, but if you dismiss that and keep on going, you'll eventually get to a "great" idea,.

    also the scribbles emphasizes this, as someone has jotted something down and then crossed it out, then again and again...


    Keep walking is just the name they've given this promotion, they could have said, keep going, evolve your ideas or something,. but keep walking is kinda nice though...


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