
Explain and list some ways to slow down global warming.?

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Explain and list some ways to slow down global warming.?




  1. Replace fossil fuel power plants with nuclear plants.

  2. - buy hybrid cars

    -plant alot more trees

    -stop driving and start walking

    -stop alot of usage for electricity


    -dont litter oil


  3. Paint Al Gore white and float him above the earth. The scientific consensus says his body mass will block 1/2 of all the sun light hitting the earth. And there will be more food available in the buffet line.

  4. Is there even such a thing?  From what I've read, fluctuations in temperature have occurred throughout time...

    Naturally, it's safe to assume that we are destroying the environment with the use of fossil fuels...Just look at the smog in L.A. Or, better yet, go to Maine and tell me that the air isn't cleaner there than in Philadelphia or any other industrialized area.

    With that said:

    1. Decrease use of fossil fuels

    2. Stop chopping down trees

    3. Plant more trees

    4. Use biodegradeable containers

  5. 1) Eat all the sheep.

    2) Eat all the cows.

    3) Charge remaining sheep and cows with a carbon tax.

    4) Eat all the plankton.

  6. LOL!  stop farting.  that's hilarious.

    there's nothing we can do to stop global warming. the earth is naturally going to heat its self up and cool its self off.  

    al gore's an idiot!

  7. Inject large amounts of SO2 into the upper atmosphere so it will reflect more sunlight away from the earth.

    Place solar mirrors in orbit to reflect sunlight away from the earth.

    Move the earth away from the sun.

    Are we seeing a pattern here? 0.0037% of ANYTHING isn't gonna have a significant effect on our climate, not to mention that CO2 is a FOLLOWING indicator that can't change anything.

  8. If everyone replaced 5 regular light bulbs in their homes with energy-saving bulbs, we'd reduce pollution by a trillion pounds in the US alone.  The lights are amazing...they may seem dim at first but that is because they take a few minutes to warm up. My bulbs give off the energy of a 27 watt but the light of 100 watt bulb.  Simply amazing!

  9. Stop farting

    Kill all humans

  10. carpool ...dont use so much elctricity because we're wasting power ....hmm i dunno good question.

  11. Live by the Three Rs:




    Walk, carpool, bike, when ever possible.

    Shorter showers.

    Use less electricity by: turning off all appliances and other electronics when not in use, you can also unplug them, that also saves a lot.

  12. There are lots of things we can do to help the environment and reduce pollution.  Whether it has any effect on the climate is a debatable subject.

    Simple things.

    Don't use the air conditioner in the summer.  Turn the heat down in the winter.

    Drive less, car pool, and use fuel efficient vehicles.  

    Recycle and reuse.

  13. Build more nuclear power plants.

    Expand the use of renewable fuels, such as hydroelectric, wind, solar, and biofuel.

    Apply carbon capture and sequestration on existing fossil fuel power plants.

    Limit deforestation.

  14. Turn the air conditioner on high and open the window.

  15. Probably one of the most overlooked is to change government policies and tax fossil fuels (a carbon tax) and use the money to subsidize green energy such as solar and wind power.  

    Another one is to control our population.  The reason that we're in the mess we're in is that there are simply too many people demanding too many of the planet's resources!

  16. Stop driving 4 x 4 gas guzzling vehicles for a start.

    Turn off 'stand-by' electric utensils like your T.V.

    Only put the light on in the room in which you are situated.

    Change to 'energy saving' light bulbs.

    Just simple, personal things that also save you money!

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