
Explain at least 4 features, practices and beliefs of the apache tribe?

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i need really in depth answers please




  1. The white Buffalo will return ,then the ways will return .

    All tribes.

    It is best to respect the land as we are only borrowing from it and should treat it as a mother.

    To enter the cave you will need two colored stones ,the stone you show will be the point of passage or no return.

    The white package will fill your Head with the white way .Keeping you from finding the true path.

    <><><>///Don't listen to White's ,They wrote most of the corrupt books .

    I got in trouble for arguing with white teachers over the mistakes .pretty much the whole history books.

    You want to know about Indians -Go to the Pow Wow And talk to the source .White people make up their version to fit their destruction and lies. Then play with halve truths to confuse other whites searching for the truth.    OOOOOOO

    I hear no RED allowed .A.I.M.<><><>/////

    The sun dance ,All tribes

    Pow wow ,all tribes

    Shape shifters ,all tribes

    " The white man and the white package can't dance anywhere on the crazy river .You got white stuck in your head stay off the Rez.That's from Crazyplace."

    I got my drum in the truck ,expired license plate,one headlight ,It's held together with my sticker that says

    NDN POWER .  Goin to dance in the moon light and find me a girl.   I'm a little white on the outside ,but I'm all red inside .

    KA KOO KA KOO   Wanetchka waween moyette ,komendodtcher  You never kept it !

  2. Apache Indian Culture and History

    - Apache Lifestyle and Tradition

    Rites of Passage: An Apache Girl’s Sunrise Ceremony


  3. Eat deer meat on the 2nd Thursday of the month.

    Wear leather hides.

    Grow Indian corn.

    Live in Teepees

  4. ~Given that there is no such thing as the "Apache" tribe, the question cannot be answered.  Now, if you want to specify what you mean by 'Apache', perhaps I could be of more assistance but Abnaki customs and traditions are far different than those of the Acoma.  Of course, the Lipan and Mescalero were about as closely related as were the Celts and Romans.  Hey, Athabascans are Athabascans and Teutons are Teutons, right.  If you are interested in the culture, your starting point should be in figuring out what constitutes the culture and "Apache" just doesn't qualify as a distinct cultural group - except to John Ford, John Wayne and MGM.

  5. Try the library. If your local library doesnt have any books try the nearest college or uni library that has an anthropology department.

    Try Googling Amerind and Apache.

    There are many chat rooms and forums used by Amerinds.

    Try looking for them?

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