
Explain briefly social, psychological and educational needs of children with special needs?

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Explain briefly social, psychological and educational needs of children with special needs?




  1. Children with special needs have the same needs as typical peers.  Depending on the type of special need they might require more modeling or instruction to help them develop social skills.  Psychologically, they might benefit from a more supportive, nurturing environment where they experienced more success than they might in a regular classroom.  (We could all benefit from that kind of environment!)  From an educational standpoint, they may need individual or small group instruction and accommodations or interventions that take into account their specific learning style or needs.

  2. They need to know about each and everythink present in our society. We should tell them or explain them in every part that what they asked else its ok that if we listen to them because if we discraze them like what a silly

    question(que) you are asking etc they will become depressed and from that movement some children will avoid or reduce asking que which affect them in future.

    hence when ever a child ask question and eager know about somethink it's knowledge starts to increase.

    Educational level we should start giving education at right age

    We should not force them to study

    We should made them to study in a play fullway not in frightening them.

  3. Well special needs is a very generalized grouping of children suffering from a wide range of things.  It could be down syndrome, severe auticism, adhd, developmentally delayed, behavior disorder and in some states even dyslexia is considered special needs.  To better answer your question I would need a more detailed answer.  thanks.

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