
Explain charisma. How do you attain charisma? Do you just have it or not?

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Explain charisma. How do you attain charisma? Do you just have it or not?




  1. Charisma is when you're pleasantly self-confident (not cocky) to the extent that you can tell something interesting about yourself, but you can also laugh about yourself (not in a depreciating way though!!!)

    You attain it, when you begin to find out / define for yourself who you really are.

  2. When people are drawn to you because your interesting  when they're around you they feel better about themselves.  In a group of peers there is usually one person who is the most well liked by everyone.  That person has charisma. I think it's mainly a relaxed confidence and that you either have or you don't -can't fake it.  

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