
Explain culture using the three sociological approaches?

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Structural -functional approach, social conflict, symbolic-interaction approach




  1. Structural/functionalism -- culture (society) is made up of different components (educational system, governmental system, family system, criminal justice system, etc) .... all these systems are made to work together to keep the overall society in harmony

    Conflict --  when different cultures share the same space, there will be a fight to see which ideas and lifestyles are stronger.  The culture that survives the conflict

    (or incorporates the weaker culture into itself) become the dominant culture.

    Symbolic-Interaction  -- empirical facts reality don't matter in this paradigm, the only thing that matters is how a person or a group PERCEIVE reality.  

    example:  If a group FEELS like they are being persecuted (even if in reality there is no persecution)  then that perception changes that group's view of the world.  And that change in the world view begins to change the group in believing they are victims.

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