
Explain how Disaster Recovery Planning relates to a firm's competitive advantage. ?

by Guest60224  |  earlier

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I need help with my homework question. "Explain how Disaster Recovery Planning relates to a firm's competitive advantage.?" I tried to Google search, but I'm not finding much information. I was wondering if someone help me with this. (I'm not looking for answer, I'm looking for a link where I can read article and find answer myself). Or if you have any comments, please feel free to post. Thank you so much.




  1. The ability for a firm to have provision in case of data disaster will definitely help in the company's operations and the continuity in the operations.

    A data center is the heart and soul of a company. This is where all of the most important company files, customers, files, and personnel files will be. But what if something happens to your data center? How will your company be able to deal with a disaster of lost data?

    If a company is unable to restore their data information then they will fail deliver services and hence their competitors will be one up over them.

    Understanding the whole process of  data disaster recovery is the key  to tackling this question.

  2. I would suggest you check the Disaster Recovery piece in Wikipedia for some general information.  Here is a blurb I have used for providing DR solutions to my clients.  I think it succinctly encompasses how you may want to think about making a value proposition for DR as a competitive advantage.

    "The Gartner Group has identified the following statistics regarding disaster scenarios in unprotected environments:

    80% of all businesses will experience a major disaster  event every 5 years,

    43% of companies experiencing a disaster will never re-open after that event.  

    29% who do survive a major event will be out of business within 24 months"

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