
Explain how Susan Glaspell uses the characters of the play to reveal feminist themes?

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Explain how Susan Glaspell uses the characters of the play to reveal feminist themes?




  1. Haven't encountered Susan Glaspell, but this article on the feminist themes in another female writer's piece might give you ideas on what to look for when it comes to themes and symbols:

  2. Women are not allowed to vote or be considered for jury duty, during the time period of the play.

    (Cook, clean, have babies, stay in the kitchen and let the macho man do the real work of thinking.)

    The setting is in a kitchen, which was solely a womans domain at that time.

    There were 3 men and 2 women.

    The men totally ignored the fact that the women knew what does and doesn't belong in a kitchen, and while they ran around looking for clues to the murder, elsewhere, the women formed a sort of bond, out of defiance, more than anything else, and actually solved the case.

    (Remember who discovered the dead bird and bird cage?)

    This work begins by showing women as weak, incapable beings. But as the story progresses, the women gain strength by joining forces to accomplish a task, by using their own experiences.

    Glaspell repeated this method in her book, "The Morning Is Near Us", using a mother and daughter to prove her point.

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