
Explain how can a nursery setting can develop effective communication with parents and carers?

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Explain how can a nursery setting can develop effective communication with parents and carers?




  1. communicate with parents frequently and update them about things their child has done, no matter how insignificant the progress, i am sure the parents will be happy to hear a little something about their child each day. this will also enable parents to build a rapport with you and communication will come in easily..

  2. The first thing you should do is revise your induction procedures.  I always sit down with new parents and go through a tick list of things that I think it is essential for parents to know before their child starts pre-school including child protection, routines, healthy Eating, complains procedure, assessments and anything else that you would want to know and have the parents sign a form stating that I have spoken to them about this.

    In the enrolment forms I have a my child at home for that finds out information about the child, what they like to play with, what they like to eat , what the parents want their children to learn and any other relevant information.  

    I then send out a half termly newsletter that states the topic for the half term birthdays new starters and any other relevant information that has cropped up over the prviuos term  this is handed out to all parents and then stored on the notice board.  

    I ask parents to come in and help as part of our topics eg we did mendhi hands in a pattern topic and two mums came in and did them on the children.  We did a where we live topic and had parents come in and talk about where they grew up (france greece spain india phillipines etc) this term we are did growing so we had a mum come in who was pregnant and a mum come in who had just had her baby.  Always make sure you take photos of this to prove that you have done it.

    In addition to all of that we hold regular coffee mornings or open mornings at least once a term to give parents and carers a chance to chat to us about their child's progression and any worries that we might have about their child.  We are in costant contact with parents before and after pre-school keyworkers are always available in the mornings and I as manager always make sure I am available to speak to any parents that need a chat.

    In addition we have 2 afternoon sessions that are especially for children who are young have an SEN or EAL or have not been left before and in these afternoons parents can stay at these sessions to get their child settled.

    I would just make sure that you are giving constant feedback to parents in both spoken and written and make sure that you are saving all of your notices that you send out so if Ofsted come in they can see how you communicate.

    i hope that helps

  3. Nurseries can develop effective  communication with parents and carers through having an open door policies which makes feel parents/main carers feel welcome and valued

    they can also have non biased attitudes towards parents n main carers and they can also write letters etc in different languages so that all parents can read n understand them they may also employ bi lingual nursery nurses to help with translation etc.

  4. I found a helpful guide on nurseries here on ebay.

  5. a nursery setting needs both parents and caregivers to function at the optimum level, and be the best location for the education of young children.....and is needed for all involved to communicate the needs of the child/children who attend so each and every one of them and their parents know what happens at both ends of the child/childrens days and how and when each is developing and whether or not the child/children and or their parents need further assistance and gives the teachers an oppurtunity to pass on  information to parents to help them enhance their own or their childrens lives.

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