
Explain how global warming could lead to both floods and droughts?

by Guest57332  |  earlier

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Explain how global warming could lead to both floods and droughts?




  1. That's nothing. Global warming can lead to both cold and hot. One twit claimed on here that the end result of global warming would be another ice age. Now figure that one out.

  2. Um, just think if the entire world heated up by 10 degrees.

    The places where it rains only a little and it's already very dry would just get drier = droughts

    And, the places with lots of ice and snow would melt = flooding for the rest of the world because the Artic and Antartica contain A LOT of ice!

  3. Precipitation patterns happen because of a variety of atmospheric and geographic factors.  As the Earth heats precipitation patterns will change.  Some areas will get more, some less.

  4. Okay.. so the world heats up, the glaciers melt and the water starts to flood th earth and everyone is headed for DISASTER!

  5. It can cause the ice caps caps to melt which will lead to floods and can evaporate water which will lead to droughts.

  6. It would lead to both because the rainfall will both be reduced, and concentrated into fewer, more violent rain storms.

    The droughts will be during the dry spells between rains.

    The floods will occur because rain will fall harder when it does, and drier soils will be unable to absorb water as well.  More water will run off, causing flooding.

  7. Before this century ends, scientists believe that the earth's temperature would increase by a whole 4 Degrees Celsius, causing the ice caps to break and melt, which means more water.

    This will flood all possible shore lands and islands.

    By the temperature increase, more water will be heated up which means that more water will be taken from the ground, leaving it extremely dry. Which is a draught.

    There you go.

  8. There have always been floods and droughts.  That's part of natural weather patterns.  The impact of global warming would be longer summers leading to possibly more frequent droughts in some regions and more precipitation (warmer air can hold more precipitation) in other regions.

  9. Because regardless of what happens, global warming is blamed making the masses scared and start begging the gvmt to do something!

  10. simple not all areas are effected the same way. weather patterns become redistributed while some areas will get even more rainfall others have not seen a drop in years. temps are effected much the same way. first why is an areas climate the way it is? if glacial runoff effects the salinity too much this could shut down the pump driving the gulf stream which is primarily what heats northern Europe, if you look on a map there at the same latitude as northern Canada yet considerably warmer. it's happened in the past. it won't be all Hollywood but it will be disastrous economically. And the problem is not a specific day like today where it's freezing out but a year round average taking into account how hot it is in the summer as well.

  11. global warming can be warm and cause water to dry. when it is hot a lot of oceans evaporate water and itrains heavly

  12. The ice and glaciers will melt causing coastal areas to flood...but then there will be no rain in other places so it will cause drought there.

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