
Explain how its possible to get pregnant on your period? Here is my theory?

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Ok I don't understand how you can possibly get pregnant on your period. Your period is when the uterus sheds the lining that is used for a baby to implant to after conception. If you are shedding your lining you couldn't get pregnant because there would be no where for it to attach to. And how would the sperm make it all the way through the blood when all the blood is coming out? It doesnt seem possible to me. Just te fact that on your period your uterus is flushing itself out. Someone please give me scientific reasons as to how it's possible.




  1. im 32 weeks pregnant and got pregnant on my period! its ture! i guess it all depend on how lng in between ur periods are mines every 24 days so if ur around there more likly u will get prego.. i started my period jan 26th and 2 days after that i was still on my period and got prego.. i didn't think i could becuz i believed the same thing u r saying but yup it dose happen!  

  2. I don't know how it happens but my doctor told me that i got pregnant well on my period so it could of been the last little bit of my period that it happened because i always thought you couldn't get pregnant on you period but guess you can

  3. Oh please, blood isn't constantly gushing out and it won't flush the sperm out. Sperm can live for up to a week (although it's rare!) normally a few days.... the egg and the sperm meet up.. the embryo travels down through the fallopian tube to the uterus, which takes about five days... by then the endometrium is forming again.


  4. There are two reasons you could get pregnant on your period.

    One: you ovulate during the time of your period, or shortly before it.

    Two: If you ovulate shortly before your period and there is a fertilized egg, it may have time to travel down the falopian tubes and then settle into the uterus after bleeding has stopped.

  5. Sperm can live up to 7 days inside a woman’s v****a. therefore a woman can get pregnant if she has s*x up to 5 sometimes 7 days before ovulation.  (bleeding or not)

    Believe what you want.   and you make it sound like the blood is coming at fast speeds or something. sperm is very strong and get to where they need to go, not only that but they have some force behind them when he "shoots"  Great on your theory. but who knows if you're wrong or right. I said what I know. don't care about your "Proven medical facts" My Dr told me this.

    Also, you say it has nothing to attach to? well honey, it takes Almost 2 weeks before it even gets to that stage of attaching itself to something. look up the stages of pregnancy.

  6. er, what you said is true, however, it is still possible, rare, but possible to get knocked up during your period!!!!    Ps:  Do you think the phrase "knocked up" is demeaning to women??

  7. Sounds strange but it happens more often than you would think. Women who are younger, older, or have short or irregular periods sometimes ovulate directly after their period. If you have s*x during your period, the sperm can lay in wait for up to 5 days inside of you and be there waiting when the new egg is released.

    Some women ovulate early-cycle, some mid-cycle, and some late-cycle, just before their period. If you are a teen and highly fertile, you need to forms of birth control at the same time to stop pregnancy throughout the month. Best wishes, G

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