
Explain how new technology has imrpoved the accuracy of weather forcasts?

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Explain how new technology has imrpoved the accuracy of weather forcasts?




  1. as instruments become finer and finer tuned, they can read air flow, air temperature, air pressure and through the existing technology we can assume, or guess weather patterns., at a much greater accuracy than before.

  2. I don't know about accuracy so much since weather is always changing,but it has made it possible to alert more people quicker to impending bad weather.

  3. technology got better -> weather still inaccurate but slightly better. weather man gets bone r

  4. it hasent

    since they are just predictions and the wether can change anytime, they really are useless. except for making new jobs.

  5. There was a big improvement in weather forecasting when meterological satellite data (images) became available in the late 1970's.

    There have been less pectacular improvements more recently resulting from numerical weather prediction (NWP). As analysis techniques improve (through better and more observations), and modelling becomes more sophisticated at all scales, the forecasts will continue to improve. All this is limited mostly by the available computing power, and good reliable observations.

    Apparent inaccuracy is usually the result of forecasts being misunderstood, or that insufficient information is conveyed in the forecast... such as confidence and the probability density function of whatever is being forecast (temperature, wind speed and direction, etc).

  6. The thing is that predicting weather will forever be guess work and close observation of past and present weather patterns. And yes, technology has only made it possible to predict weather but as the kids say 'the weather is random'.

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