
Explain how the Great Awakening contributed to the development of the seperation of Church and state in U.S?

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Explain how the Great Awakening contributed to the development of the seperation of Church and state in U.S?




  1. I answered this question a couple of days ago for another asker. I'm just copying and pasting my answer. Is that OK?

    With the Great Awakening, many new denominations began to appear in the colonies. Separation of church and state eliminated the debate the politicians were bound to have if they had to decide upon an official religion. A debate of this type might have kept the colonies from uniting.

    Remember the colonies were going to fight a war over individual rights. Separation of church and state was completely compatible with the idea that choosing your religion should be free of government interference. If the government chose an official religion, then the people were surrendering a right that should belong to the individual.

    There are several democratic ideals that can, at least, partially find their roots in the Great Awakening. If a man can decide how to worship for himself, how to interpret the Bible for himself, how to believe for himself ... why can't he rule himself?

    I hope this helps. I wrote my History Seminar paper on the Great Awakening way back in 1976. I had to dig hard through my old brain to form these not so well put together thoughts.

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