
Explain how the amniotic egg is an adaptation that helps reptiles live on land.

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Explain how the amniotic egg is an adaptation that helps reptiles live on land.




  1. Sorry, I not quite sure what you mean. The egg is laid on land because it is too heavy and wouldn't survive in water.

  2. "Evolution of eggs with a water-impermeable amniotic membrane surrounding a fluid-filled amniotic cavity permits embryonic development on land without danger of dessication."

    Basically the hard shell around protects the eggs of land animals from drying up, while amniotic sac cushions the embryo and acts like a shock absorber. Together it keeps the nutrients inside the egg and protects the baby. By contrast, you see amphibians and fish laying eggs without a hard shell because they are laid in WATER, so they will not dry up. Other defenses such as a foamy top layer, or sheer number of eggs increases chances of survival.

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