
Explain how the capitalism and socialism system solves problems?

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Explain how the capitalism and socialism system solves problems?




  1. Socialism does not solve problems but just makes more.

  2. Capitalism solves problems by encouraging millions of individuals to make decisions. Socialism tries to solve problems by deciding what decision to make for millions of individuals.

  3. Conceptually one ism,the first one, emphasizes encouraging and rewarding individual efforts and ingenuity to provide the needs and wants of the individuals that make up the community. Rewards are called profits and distribution is based on ability to earn and pay for things. Capitalism abandons the poor,the sick and the dumb!

    The other ism emphasizes group efforts through cooperation to provide for the basic needs of individuals and to distribute them w/o regard for disparities in abilities,health, or intelligence.

    The first system-ism encourages the pursuit of the ruthless selfish interests of the smartest individuals  through competition.

    The second-ism encourages the pursuit of common interests that all individuals have in creating and enjoying a higher quality of life through competition.

    Of course, both system-isms are ideologically different--but the world they apply to is still the same world that operates by natural laws. Any clearcut distinction disappears when you undertake practical actions to provide the needs and wants of the human race.

    I believe Western capitalism, like Russian Communism  before it for similar reasons,  is doomed to substantial changes--like the ones taking place today amidst the inequalities and abusive aspects of   predatory and catastrophic or crisis based capitalism. It's time to leave the narrow minded ideologies that were emphasized during the cold war and move to a higher ethical economic ism. It's time to evolve morally and intellectually and emotionally bec we are confined to one biosphere where everything we do affects others and the natural systems that sustain us. Those who live in the past are dooming the future by their provincial uninformed selfish orientation to life. We must adapt or perish! That requires we develop wisdom rather than contine to mindlessly seek to gratify our selfish interests at other people's expense.

    Thanks for the Q. I hope my A has explained the how without preferring one over the other bec behind it all lies our human nature which is our strength and our weakness depending on the road taken by each individual as a member of the planet.

  4. Capitalism encourages you to make something of yourself.

    Socialism encourages you to freeload the system.

    Look at the crackheads on welfare. Look at mothers who have had 10 kids...they're getting paid to have those kids. And raise them in sup-par conditions. When talking about the US, our politicians have made us some promises that they can't keep. Look at Medicare/Social Security...some people will be very upset when they realize that they were promised these things so that the politicians could keep thier priveleged status.

    Capitalism profits. Non-profit organisations can get the money to where it's REALLY needed.

    Socialism bankrupts. Bureaucracy is extremely inefficient.

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