
Explain how the reign of Queen Elizabeth the 1st changed England and how it influenced the enemies & citizens?

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Explain how the reign of Queen Elizabeth the 1st changed England and how it influenced the enemies & citizens?




  1. Queen Elizabeth the First displaced Roman Catholicism (instituted by Blood Mary) as the State Religion of England, and re-established the Protestant Church of England.

  2. Queen Elizabeth I inherited the throne of a country torn between Protestantism and Catholicism, and as a wise leader, she established Protestantism as the country's religion, and introduced a few very important Acts: The Acts of Supremacy and Uniformity (1559), the introduction of the Prayer Book of 1559, and the Thirty-Nine Articles (1563) were all Protestant in doctrine, but preserved many traditionally Catholic ceremonies.

    Most importantly, rather than having the ministers preach in Latin, she had them preached in English. In addition, she encouraged younger generations to be more educated, so that the younger children could read the bible to their parents. During the Elizabethan era, the literacy rate was growing rapidly, more people could read and write. More career opportunities opened for everyone, just not to the rich anymore. This was also when the English literature flourished with writers and artists. Plays were written by these new generations who are well educated and well informed, because they were literate.

    Basically, Elizabeth I was credited for all of this simply because she understood how important it was for her people to be more educated, in order to help her nation grow strong and powerful. The reign of Queen Elizabeth I also saw significant expansion overseas. Great explorers were encouraged such as Sir Francis Drake, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir John Hawkins, Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Richard Greenville

    Queen Elizabeth I surrounded herself with highly intelligent and loyal advisors such as Sir William Cecil, Sir Francis Walsingham and  Sir Robert Cecil who gave her sound political advice. She was able to choose excellent advisors and statesmen but was not be dominated by them. Elizabeth was firmly in control of all major policies and England prospered under a stable Government

    Queen Elizabeth established the Poor Laws - she achieved a new framework of support for the needy and she achieved recognition for England as a leading power in Europe. Under her rule, England defeated of the Spanish Armada of 132 by the English fleet, and the English navy defeated further attempts at invasion in 1596 and 1597.

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