
Explain how the spring-action of the trampoline can push the girl upward?

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Explain how the spring-action of the trampoline can push the girl upward?




  1. then energy of gravity pulling her down is transferred when she hits the trampoline and thrusts her upward

  2. She obviously uses kinetic energy to propel herself upwards, hence the reason you dint bounce if you stand perfectly still on a trampoline, That kinetic energy is then transferred to gravitational potential energy, which is transferred back to kinetic energy as she falls back down, then into elastic potential energy when she hits the tramp, which is transferred into kinetic energy etc..

    As the springs are stretched, they want to revert to the shortest form possible, when they are straight. so they spring back into position, pushing her up into the air.

  3. draw the free body diagram!!!!!  it is the same principle as the bow and arrow.  you just turn the line of the bow-string 360.  remember that the trampolinist has to jump (has to add energy to the system) to return to the same height.

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