
Explain how this exhibits courage and bravery?

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You watched a shy coworker have a severe asthma attack while at work. You watched her fighting for each breath until the ambulance came to take her to the hospital. She was out for a few days and then returned to work. She's always been quiet and fairly shy, but her first day back she didn't seem like herself. She obviously has not recovered completely yet and is still a little sick and worn out. She's a teacher paid on salary.

Explain how coming back to work shows that she exhibits courage and bravery.




  1. Coming back to work when you are still sick appears to exhibit another quality.

  2. She might have just wanted things to get back to normal. I don't think that she is trying to be a model of courage or bravery. There are many employees paid on salary that are more than eager to take time off, perhaps she feels obligated to be at work because she gets paid whether she is there or not.

  3. being shy is often considered a form of fear of how others will react to you. She had a very open display of a personal problem and she may fear that others will now treat her differently as well as mock her handling of the problem at work.  

    Hopefully she will learn that people really don't mind and actually would openly accept a person that is honest and upfront about a problem.  As everyone eventually has a problem that others will discover.

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