
Explain how you would prepare a student to be a equal participant in his or her own IEP meeting?

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Explain how you would prepare a student to be a equal participant in his or her own IEP meeting?





  2. I believe that children should attend IEP meetings as early as grade 5.  

    The way you prepare children could be to do the following:

    *Go through the child's file with them and explain what is meant by a learning disability and how it can be addressed. If there IQ is low, omit this piece, but if their IQ is average, explain that there brain is functioning just fine and that some of the wiring leading to the brain has problems.

    Frequently I use the analogy of glasses for kids who have vision problems. Since there are no glasses for learning disabilities, then we have to change the work so that the student can learn. I have also discussed a lamp that goes off and on because the cord is frayed.

    It is important that they understand these aspect before they go into the meeting and that they know they are smart. Many kids assume they are dumb because they don't learn in the same way as other kids.

    Next explain the meeting structure and who will be there. Tell him or her that they are free to make suggestions and that the team will ask him what he of she needs. Explain goal development. Also tell the child that they can say, "Pass," if they are too embarrassed to speak.

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