
Explain how your family is structured as either patriarchal, matriarchal, or egalitarian?

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Explain how your family is structured as either patriarchal, matriarchal, or egalitarian?




  1. My family is structured on the matriarchal.  It makes perfect sense that it should be who your mother is, that is important, let's face it a woman can have 10 kids to 10 different men, yet, they only have one mother.

  2. My (extended) family wants to be patriarchal, but most of the guys are losers so my (extended) family is matriarchal.

    I personally wish my family was egalitarian.

  3. Our family is tradition-bound and is,therefore ,patriarchal. Other than father the rest members of the house are subject to his directions.Whether it is the choice of course which the child has to take  or a suitable match for marriagble son or daughter or acquisition or disposal of property it is subject to his approval. However, this does not necessarily lead to dictatorship since he consults the other members of the family as well as the persons concerned before declaring his verdict.In most cases his judgement turns out tobe sound though initially there is some chagrin for not having one's own ways.

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