
Explain in your own words: Capitalism?

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  1. Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton in 2008

  2. GREED!

  3. Capatilism is a social philosophy of working for what you have and having no limits on what you can get, achiving personal wealth....

    if you're wondering how could things be different:

    Monarchy: everything you work for belongs to the ruler of the land, you are allowed to survive only by their grace

    Socialism: everyone earns the same and shares what they have (in an ideal setting, it never works like this in reality)

  4. i think of it as profiting from a service that can be offered for free or cheap.  Example, if you charge a fee for parking in a lot that isnt yours, that's capitalism. hahaha! :)

  5. an economic system that seeks to enhance peoples well being by inputting an achievement and individualistic mindset in them.

    it seek to enhance growth through competition in most spheres.

    it is sustained though continued spending on the part of its inhabitants, organisations, institutions, etc and state intervention seeks or should seek to be minimal.

    unfortunately, whilst it can rapidly breed success stories, it can also be self perpetuating, creating generations or communities of disadvantaged, and strata society into leagues and social classes.

  6. colonialism

  7. Do what you want without and interferance by the government. Basically if your lucky and smart you can become rich. If not, well tough luck. The rich get richer and the poor poorer.  ITs teh pursuit of people's selfish desires. Basically people wanting to make more and more money which in turn profits the government. The only problem though its not abotu how hard you work but how lucky you are. Im sure their are low income families who work much harder than millionaires.

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