
Explain love from each psychology's major perspective?

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Explain how researchers working from each of psychology's major perspective might investigate an emotion such as love.

Neuroscience perspective

Evolutionary perspective

Behavior genetics perspective

Psychodynamic perspective

Behavioral perspective

Cognitive perspective

social-cultural perspective




  1. Evolutionary would be something along the lines of people mating to enhance the human race. People get into relationships so they can have kids and keep the species going. Usually people will (unconsciously) find mates with opposite characteristics (i.e. someone with bad eyesight would mate with someone with good eyesight) to enhance the race (so the child would have a better chance of having good eyesight!)

    One of the perspectives would be about the human need for love and belonging. Try researching Abraham Maslow and the Maslow Heirarchy of needs

  2. Sounds like someone has a paper due. Instead of writing pages for you, think of grouping perspectives and relating. There is always the chicken or egg part to take into consideration. Evolution seems a good place to start.

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