
Explain natural biodiversity.?

by Guest21319  |  earlier

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what is natural biodiversity?




  1. Darwin's theory of evolution...natural selection.  Mutations occur- successful species pass on the genes for these successful traits.

  2. It comes from the principle that the more diverse a species is the better able it will be to survive as a species.

    Natural biodiversity is the ability of organisms to adapt to changing environments by mutating to their surrounding environment. This is normally done over many generations as each generation will adapt one or more features best suited for their survival of the changes around them.

    Organisms may choose to mate with one organism over another  because their camouflaging ability is better than the other organism of the same species thereby increasing it's ability to protect itself.

    Biodiversity is usually associated with long periods of time as it may take an organism countless generations of slow mutations to achieve its optimal survival aptitude.

    The less "forces" of threats to its survival, the theory goes, the less it has to change its biogenetics to survive.

    Sharks have, for example, mutated very little due to their genetic ability to survive very well.

    But plants have had to mutate constantly due to their more fragile "genetic" nature due to forces that are more overwhelming to its characteristics.

    We're all products of mutation. The amazing issue here is, how are our genes able to address these survival issues without being able to "think" about them? Thus the wonder of natural biodiversity. It seems the world is on autopilate when it comes to who and what and where and when and how any organism survives its environment. I love pondering this question and applying it to human sociology as many have done.

    Thanks for the question, hope I helped.


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