
Explain one effect on destroying mangroves.?

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Hi everyone my daughter has this huge project on mangroves and there is these two questions i just cant get.

1) What is one effect on destroying mangroves in Antigua

2) What i one effect on destroying mangroves all over the world.




  1. One effect (primary): Coastal erosion - magrove eco system binds and keeps the soil intact. with them being destroyed, the soil tends to flow into the sea (esepcially given mangrove environments are present in alternative tides and freshwater inputs from land - lot of movement of water).

    And if you are an environmentally sensitive (and nice person to other lives in this planet), then destroying mangroves, destroys a good amount of nice semi aquatic eco system. there are birds, animals and plants that rely on mangrove eco system.

    Effects are pretty much the same whether it is antigua or world IMO.

  2. 1) The first link below from Antigua & Barbuda's Environment Division contains a short passage that implicates development & backfilling as a local threat to Antigua's Mangroves.

    Environmental Impact Assessment


    The Environment Division is very concern that persons or companies developing areas that consist of waterways such as ponds, mangrove swamps or gullies are not seeking proper authorization prior backfilling them.

    Please be advised that an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is required for any such development before any approval is given by the Development Control Authority (DCA).

    Environment Division

    Ministry of Tourism, Aviation, Culture & Environment


    2) The World Wild Fund indicates that developement is a prime threat to Mangroves world wide in the second link. Perhaps an even more compelling threat that is quite obviously world wide in nature is sea level rise due to climate change. The WWF site mentions that near the bottom of the page.

    I hope that helps.

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