
Explain the difference between marketing and sales?

by Guest59805  |  earlier

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Explain the difference between marketing and sales?




  1. Each customer has a lifecycle. Marketing is what gets them interested in your products; Sales is what makes them buy, and finally Support is what keeps them happy to buy again.

    When you think of CRM think of Marketing, Sales and Support as a whole. Many organizations misunderstand the roles of sales and marketing by either totally separating them or totally combining them.

    Marketing although so different from sales, depends on it's success. Same for sales, if marketing sucks, sales will not come through. You need an integrated sales and marketing department to achieve top results. in such an environment both departments are integrated and connected. Sales feedback to marketing can only enhance the marketing results.

  2. Marketing promotes items (commercials, posters, etc). Sales strikes out the deals with the other parties. They work hand in hand, but are very different. Smaller companies might combine the two into one department

  3. Marketing generates a demand. Advertising promotes awareness. Sales secures the customer satisfaction with providing the customer with what the customer needs and wants.

    Example: You saw an ad on television for a car that appeals to you. You visit a dealership and pick up some literature and then meet a salesman that asks you what is important to you about what you like in the car. The salesman then tries to find for you the vehicle with just what you need and want, lets you drive it to feel the performance and comfort, and allows you to make an informed decision as to its value.

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