
Explain the influence of computers in manufacturing field?

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Explain the influence of computers in manufacturing field?




  1. Coumputers allows the human to :

    1- Design , simulate and test products.

    2- Control the manufacturing processes.

    3- Produce layouts, for the products, machines and factories.

    4- Communication between different engineering departments .

    ...etc, etc

  2. One acronym: PLC :)

    (Programmable logic controller)

    In other words, computers are completely integral to modern manufacturing techniques.


    How Your Electronics Work

  3. You might as well ask something of the same magnitude like "how has fire changed mankind"......

    Computers have affected every aspect of manufacturing, bar none from:

    Computer controlled machinery and processes

    Computer aided drafting

    Computer simulation of products and production processes

    Planning for material purchase and movement

    Transactions for material movement and shipping

    Work instructions on how to do things in graphical and printed forms

    Communications in-houes and out to customers and vendors

    Analysis of data from processes (yields, temps, trends....etc)

    Elimination of lots of menial jobs like secretaries, clerks, repetitious jobs

    And on and on

    Computers are vital in any modern manufacturer and required in today's world

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