
Explain the mechanism of water through plants during transpiration(how vascular plants and properties of wa?

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explain how the anatomy of vascular plants and the properties of water contribute to the process




  1. he first thing to think about is osmotic potential. What this means is that water wants from areas with a high concentration to areas with low concentrations. Trees have vessels that carry water from their roots to their leaves the same way that we have blood vessels. One key difference is that these vessels in trees are very narrow. As the water in tree leaves is evaporated osmotic potential pulls water up into the leaves due to the low concentration of water. Water is capable of being pulled because it has high cohesion. These means that water molecules want to stick together. Because the vessels are so narrow the force of gravity does not exceed the force of the water cohesion. That means that the water can be pulled up very tall trees. Also many tall trees such as Americas Redwoods (Tallest tree in the world) live in areas with lots of mists or fog and also absorb water from the air.

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