
Explain the nature of marriage?

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Explain the nature of marriage?




  1. Marriage is hard work with amazing benefits.

    being a lover is easy, all you have to do is shower and show up.

    Being married is learning to communicate and trust, to stand your ground but know when to give in, to be able to be faithful to just one person even though you encounter a million people a day, to share thoughts, feelings, money but still be able to have your own identity.

    Being married is a lot of fun..just be up for the task at hand.  

  2. to share your life with someone.  To have someone there that you can share the good times with and can support and love you thru the bad.  

  3. It sucks.

  4. For me, to share my life, dreams and everything with my wife.

  5. Every marriage is different.

  6. Your best friend, your light, guidance! Its a feeling that makes all your impossible feeling as possible. The breakable, break. To know there is nothing ever in your way. To trust without even a drought in your mind. To love someone, just as much as you love yourself. Its the feeling of two people making life a better place!

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