
Explain the principles of operant conditioning?

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clarifying the differences among positive reinforcers, negative reinforcers, and punishments, and primary and secondary reinforcers




  1. operant conditioning is learning through different types of reinforcement.

    Positive reinforcement, is rewarding behaviour for tasks that have been carried out correctly. This would include, giving trophies, certificates, medals, praise. You would do this in order for the learner to carry out the task as did so before.

    Negative reinforcement is punishing behavior for tasks that haven't been carried out correctly, or for a learner who has disobeyed the rules. This would include for example, a red card in football. To make sure that the learner doesn't disobey the rules again. Or telling the learner off.


  2. Operant conditioning- the modification of voluntary (operant) behavior through reinforcement and punishment.

    Reinforcers: reinforcing immediately following a behavior increases the future frequency of that behavior.

    --Positive reinforcers-  positive, so think of addition (+)... adding a reinforcer (or favorable stimuli) to reinforce desired results, so behavior is likely to re-occur.

    --Negative reinforcers- negative, so think of subtraction (-). Taking away an unfavorable stimuli to produce desired behavior... (like in Skinner box, the loud annoying sound was removed when desired behavior occurred).

    Punishment: a consequence immediately following a behavior reduces the future frequency of that behavior.

    --Positive Punishments- an unfavorable stimuli is used to "punish" when undesired behavior occurs to prevent the likelihood of behavior reoccurring. (like Skinner, producing a shock for undesired behavior)

    --Negative Punishment- taking away a favorable stimuli to "punish" for undesired behavior.  (taking away a child's favorite toy for bad behavior)


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